Benefits Of Alkaline Food

The pH level of our internal fluids affects every living cells in our body. When we have pH imbalance, almost all systems in our body are affected resulting to various diseases like cardiovascular diseases, allergies, fatigue, premature aging, obesity and cancer. The pH scale ranges from 0 (extremely acidic) to Continue Reading

Importance of Choleduz (AIM Global Product) on Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women

CHOLEDUZ is a premium source of Omega 3 Fish oil, and contains Essential Fatty Acids with 50% DHA, 20% EPA and Vitamin E. It is a dietary supplement essential for pregnant and breastfeeding women. During pregnancy, developing babies rely on their mothers to get needed DHA. Since DHA is derived from Continue Reading

AIM Global Burn Slim Product Now Available In Nigeria

The much awaited AIM Global Burn Slim product is now available in Nigeria. You can start buying it from all the RC offices. Introducing a breakthrough weight management and body shaping systems, based on highly innovative products, a simple eating plan, and simple exercise programs that unify your mind and body for Continue Reading