Things You Need to Know about AIM Global Before Joining

Before you get into any Networking opportunity, make sure that you are 100% confident that you are in the right company. Getting involved in Network Marketing business that you know its stability will gain you more confidence in promoting it to your prospects.

Here are the things you need to know about AIM Global before joining:

1.) Pro-Distributor Company

The company Board of Directors/Owners are former Network Marketers in their past companies. They are one of the top earners who has experienced how to become a distributor so they know about the interest of a distributor that they also have to consider now that they own a company.


2. ) Hybrid Marketing Plan

AIM Global has binary and products movement way of earning that means whether you are good in building a network or good product retailer, will be to your advantage. Even if recruitment stops in your network, you still have a way or earning through retailing and product commissions on your group reorders through product points that are called Unilevel and Stairstep.



3.) Innovation

AIM Global never stops in innovating. Just this year, AIM World, which is the online division of AIM Global was launch that enables to market the company in 200 countries. New products will also be launched soon.

4.) Supports Online Marketing System

This is very important for a company in this era of information through online. One of the company secrets, why we can penetrate to other countries even before putting up a physical office, is the power of online marketing. The company has free training for onliners. By knowing online marketing, you will not be limited to the old school way of Networking, though it is still working these days but adding more strategy to your knowledge is not bad. If you are on Social Media, why not use it to market your business. You will not be limited to people inviting only the people around you or local market. You can build the business on the international market.

5.) Global Appearance and Expansion

I mentioned this earlier, AIM Global has a worldwide market. The company has more countries lined up for the opening like India, Tanzania, Gambia, South Africa, and more. Imagine how huge your market is. You will be learning about online marketing system plus these countries where there is a business center office where your downline can train you without leaving your country. Just find a country where there are office and prospect there. Once they join, the company will have support for free training. Easy huh!

6.) Quality Products

No need to mention more about this, it’s obvious that AIM Global has gone this far because it has quality products. Remember having a global appearance that requires a very competitive product. AIM Global is in partnership with Natures Way, DSM, Weider, and AMS life science that are if not multi-billion dollar company, a Multi-billion Euro company. They will never trust AIM Global partnering with them if not a trusted company.

7.) Owns a Manufacturing Plant

In the Philippines, AIM Global is the only company that owns a manufacturing plant. The company is looking into the long-term journey so they put up a manufacturing facility. AIM Global is just starting to soar high despite its achievements and a decade of a journey.

These are just some of the things you can know about AIM Global before joining so you can at least be confident that you are in the right opportunity.

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Demola Adegbola

Elite Global Ambassador & Millionaire Circle Member of AIM Global, Nigeria.
It is not just about the money again. I get huge thrill helping others to succeed, and the structure of network marketing allows me to help my team members become even more successful than me. I'm looking to work with people who are serious about changing their lives and others, coachable, and ready to move to a new place in their life. Join my FAST GROWING TEAM. Call/Whatsapp - +234 810 658 2919.



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