Why Do I Choose AIM Global and Why You Should Consider Joining the Business?

I just want to share with you the beauty of Network Marketing. I believe this is the only way to earn those BIG Cheques/Commission in the shortest possible time right?. There’s no doubt that Network Marketing can give those promises but the question is are we in the right company to give those promises back?

If you don’t mind, let me share with you my views and insights regarding choosing the right network marketing company so as not to waste your energy, effort and most important, your reputation while doing the business.

Here are the 3 major things you need to look for if you are in the right network marketing company:

1.) Right Product

 2.) Right Company

 3.) Right System

  1. Why Right Product?

If you have a good product, then you’ll have a good business. If you have an excellent product, then you’ll have an excellent business. We want an excellent business right? So what kind of product are we looking for?

1.) Products must have a “Unique Selling Proposition” (USP). Aside from having the exclusivity to sell the products, it must have a sense of uniqueness in order for the consumers to buy it. For example: You cannot sell Vitamin C because aside from consumers being able to buy it from drugstores, there is a lot of similar product that can be much cheaper than the price you are selling it. Another is that you cannot sell cooking wares because cooking wares are easily available at Supermarkets or even Malls and at a cheaper price. My point is that the product you sell must be unique in a sense that you cannot find a similar product that has or almost the same content as what you are selling. In that way you can build “loyalty to consumers, and will buy only to you because they cannot have it outside your company.

2.) Products must be Consumable. It must be consumable so the product re-order is in a much faster rate. More product re-orders ensures better income.

3.) Products must have a Demand. In the late 80’s, there was a great demand for computers, thus computerization took place. In the mid 90’s, Internet was introduced, people now buys computer in-order to experience “Internet” and satisfy the sense of “Being connected”. Now in our days, demand turned into “Health and Wellness”, as you can see people now a days became more aware of their health than ever before. In order to sell more, the product must be in-line to Health and Wellness.

4.) Products must be Patented. This is a major protection for the Distributors of a Network Marketing company. Imagine selling a unique product for 3-6 months only to find out that the same formulation is being used and sell by another company that sells way more less compare to your product, how would you feel? Not really good right?

  1. Why Right Company?

Its because the company will be your backbone while doing the business. Weak backbones means weak business. So what to look for in a Company?

1.) Owners. Its important to know who are the owners as they will be the leaders. Bad leaders will create bad followers, Excellent leaders will create excellent followers. What kind of Owners to look for?

a.) Owners must have MLM experience. Traditional business is really different from an MLM Company, so it is wise to choose an owner that has this experience of being a Distributor himself. In this way, the owner can better see the problem that might arise and provide solution right away. Its imperative to avoid owners that has Traditional Business only Experience because this persons has only one motive and that is to earn money as much as possible, they don’t really care how a Distributor feels because they have never been in that situation in the first place. if some difficult problem arises and their profit start decreasing, it will be so easy for them to just “pull the plug” and boom…the company closes.

b.) Aside from having MLM Experience, Owners must also be a Top Earner from their previous companies. Its important to know that the owners must have the attitude of striving to be the best. These kind of people really takes the business as serious as you will be. So it will be assuring to know that if they want to be the best, since they are your leaders, then soon you will also be one of the best in the industry. And being the best means earning a lot and living the dreams you want.

2.) Do NOT JOIN START-UP’s.Please don’t get be lured by people saying that whoever goes in first will be the richest man on the company. Those days are over, and in case companies still using those “tag lines” it will not be for long-term. If you’re into business, you would want to have a long-term business because your reputation depended on it. if you’ll really study how a network marketing company exists, there is STAGES.

a.) Conceptualization – from the word itself, it is still being conceptualized, meaning everything is being tested. The Products are tested if there will be demands, The system is tested if it can handle the load, the FUNDS are tested if it can do payouts and deliver its promised compensation. In this stage there is no security at all. Usually company that do “Soft-launching” are in this stage. This is the worst time in joining an MLM Company because there is no assurance that promises will be delivered. If NO LAUNCHING at all, then no explanation required, I think you already know what I mean. Existence of this company ranging from 6 months to 1 yr.

b.) Affirmation – in this stage the company is quite doing well and has some numbers of members/registrations under its belt. It can now comply to its basic compensation. Mistakes from the previous stage is now corrected/adjustment is made. Beware though because in this stage, the company is still recovering from the losses it suffered from the previous stage. Unable to recover means the company being closed and your effort and energy wasted and most of all reputation being thrown away to thrash. Existence of this company ranging from 1yr to 2yrs to 3 yrs.

c.) Momentum – in this stage, full compensation benefits are realized and all promises the company gave during its start-up year now becomes a reality. This is the time where you would want to pour your energy and effort and your precious reputation on the line because you are sure the company has surpassed the tough times. Networking in this time is relatively easy because there will be a lot of Product Testimonials available as well as Compensation Testimonials at your disposal. Existence of this company range from 3 yrs above.

III. Why the Right System?

You need a powerful hybrid system to assure you that you’ll get paid whenever you sell or get recruits wherever you are. So what to look for in a system?

1.) Find a system that pays you when you sell products, recruit people, and buy re-orders of products. How deep are the company willing to pay for you in product re-orders, those kind of technicalities are equally important in this business. In this way you are sure that your efforts and energy are fully-paid by the company.

2.) Find a system that utilizes technology that is available today. Like providing a webpage, ATM’s, Computerization, Etc. This way you are assured that you can focus on what you’ll do best, and that is to do networking without worrying your commission on a cheque, etc.

3.) Find a compensation system that does not change overtime. This usually happens on start-up companies due to the stage that they are in. sometimes this companies offer huge amount profit but later on decreases this profit overtime. For example, at first the company pays you 2000 for every recruit you have then after 6 months, the company pays you 1200 instead for every recruit you make. This is a very bad sign in-term of stability of the company. If this happens, the company suffered “Overpay” situation and that is a sign of a dying company. I hope I was able to show you how to find the right company to do network marketing. You need to have all these characteristics in a company for you to be sure you’re in the right company.

Aside from those characteristics above that my company (AIM Global) has, there are some bonuses that really made my networking easy and those are:

1.) AIM Global utilizes “Hybrid” marketing system and most importantly “Everyday Payment of Commission” is utilized thru Internet-based transaction straight to my local bank account (ACCESS BANK).

2.) AIM Global has been awarded/recognized and affiliated by:

a.) BIR Recognition as 1 of the top 1,000 private company paying highest taxes in the Philippines, top 5 at Ortigas area.

b.) Multi Level Marketing International Association (MLMIA)

3.) AIM Global is headed by most looked after Top Earners in the MLM Industry

4.) AIM Global has a Unique and Effective product that is produced by a Billion Dollar Company in US and is been existing for 50yrs.

5.) AIM Global has already surpassed the stages and is now on a “Momentum” stage, 8 years existing in the industry and is the number 1 Network Marketing Company in the world today.

6.) AIM Global already created 10000+ Millionaires, 5000+ distributors able to buy their own cars, and with those expansions company projection will double or triple current millionaires in the next year. And that is just to name a few.

Choose wise my friend because that’s just what I did. If you want to learn about my company, don’t hesitate to contact me (08100111923). I’m willing to assist you and show you our company. Well, maybe you already heard about us, but still it is different from just hearing about us rather than knowing who we are.

Click HERE to get started.


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Demola Adegbola

Elite Global Ambassador & Millionaire Circle Member of AIM Global, Nigeria.
It is not just about the money again. I get huge thrill helping others to succeed, and the structure of network marketing allows me to help my team members become even more successful than me. I'm looking to work with people who are serious about changing their lives and others, coachable, and ready to move to a new place in their life. Join my FAST GROWING TEAM. Call/Whatsapp - +234 810 658 2919.



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